I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Pope Francis has made some waves because of statements he recently gave that allegedly criticized those who have been defaming the late Archbishop Oscar Romero. However, Carlos at Super Martyrio takes issue with how the media has covered Pope Francis' statements.
To dispel misunderstanding, here are five ways Francis’ comments have been misconstrued, and here is everything Francis said, which exposes the errors in the way his words have been reported.
1. Rather than condemning Romero's accusers, Francis was praising Romero.
2. Francis' remarks were intended to soothe Romero's followers, not to excoriate Romero's critics.
3. Francis' remarks were not aimed at the Salvadoran Church.
4. Francis' remarks were not aimed at conservatives.
5. The admonition in Francis' remarks is of universal application.
While I am not sure we should take Francis' words as an either-or choice, I'm leaning towards Carlos' interpretation.

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