Kuczynski leads Fujimori 50.3% to 49.7%, with 92.6% of votes counted (June 6, 2016)

With 92.6% of the votes counted by Peru's official election agency, former finance minister Pedro Pablo Kuczynski leads Keiko Fujimori 50.3% to 49.7%, the Wall Street Journal reports. This picture began to emerge yesterday afternoon, when flash polls by Ipsos and GFK showed a razor-thin lead by the center-right Kuczynski, though both candidates have pledged to wait for final results, reports BBC Mundo. Fujimori appeared hopeful in a speech yesterday evening, saying she was counting on rural voters and ballots from abroad to deliver a victory, according to AP

This would be a stunning turnaround for Kuczynski, who in April's first round captured only 22% of the vote, compared to Fujimori's 40%, and even as recently as last week was trailing the daughter of Peru's imprisoned former leader by 5 to 7 points, reports El Pais, in an article that also describes the mood at various polling stations. In a separate piece, El Pais looks at the regions where Kuczynski made major gains in the final stretch of the election, attributing his possible comeback to several factors: the revelation that Fujimori's top advisor is being investigated for money laundering by the DEA; Kuczynski's recent endorsement by left-wing candidate Veronika Mendoza; and his recent appeal to voters not to elect a candidate who could demonstrate the same authoritarian tactics as her disgraced father. 

If Kuczynski does prevail, he will need to work with "Fujimorismo" -- the party won 73 of 130 seats in the unicameral congress in April, the largest legislative majority in two decades. "Keiko Fujimori has already reshaped Peru's political landscape," notes AP. Kuczynski recognized this in a speech last night: "We're going to have a government built on consensus. No more low blows or fights," he said, according to BBC. Both candidates are market friendly and have promised investment in employment and infrastructure, Bloomberg reports. Both also promised election reform.

Whether or not the next president keeps his or her word on that promise will largely determine Peru's future as a democracy, argues Asociación Civil Transparencia in a blog post on Open Society's website. This election, though legal, was marred by irregularities and vague rules, which resulted in lax campaign finance oversight and the tossing out of two candidates back in April, possibly for political reasons. The NGO, which launched a platform for Peruvians to examine candidates' expenditures, warns that the legitimacy of elections could be called into question if tighter and clearer rules aren't devised. 

No major complaints of fraud or violence emerged over the course of yesterday's voting, but with such a slim margin of victory, controversy is to be expected. Another twist to keep an eye on: Keiko's younger brother, Kenji Fujimori, apparently didn't vote for his sister yesterday, and has said he will run for president (against her?) in 2021, reports El Pais. 

News Briefs
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  • For an up-close look at one episode of gun violence, see Foreign Policy and ProPublica's narrative take on a 2012 gunfight in Guatemala, which targeted former immigration chief Enrique Degenhart. The investigative account -- accompanied by an animated depiction of the gun battle -- is based on a series of interviews with officials and experts, including Degenhart himself, and a review of law enforcement files and government documents.  
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