Cash shortages provoke riots and looting in Venezuela (Dec. 20, 2016)

On Friday Venezuela's move to withdraw its largest denomination bill -- with banks out of cash to replace them -- caused protests and outbreaks of looting in several cities, reports the New York Times. The government sent troops to control rioting, according to the Associated Press. And hundreds were arrested, reports the Guardian. Over 400 establishments were looted in Ciudad Bolivar over the weekend, leaving 1,200 people without work, reports Efecto Cocuyo.

The cash crisis and delays in delivery of new, higher denomination bills, led the government to postpone the withdrawal of the notes, worth about 4 U.S. cents, reports the Financial Times. (See last Monday's post.) President Nicolás Maduro accused saboteurs of preventing the delivery of new bills needed to replace the old ones.

Yet rioting continued over the weekend, and some business are reportedly refusing the bill, though it now remains legal tender, according to BBC.

Over the past few days, many business had already stopped accepting the bills, leaving Venezuelans without bank accounts scrambling to pay for food. (See Friday's post.) ATM's continued to dispense 100 bolivar bills, creating a scarcity of cash that affected transportation use and street sales, reports Efecto Cocuyo. And the lack of cash hit especially hard in the lead up to Christmas, fomenting popular anger, reports the Wall Street Journal.

And about 40 percent of citizens don't have bank accounts and cannot use electronic transactions to replace scarce cash, reports Reuters.

The sudden cash shortage is an abrupt change in Venezuela, where rampant inflation had rendered the bills almost worthless anyway, notes the Washington Post. In fact, the bid raised the black market rate by 40 percent. Experts say it's not really a viable way to control inflation, however.

Yet, for Maduro the policy has been an economic triumph over the country's enemies, reports the AP.

News Briefs
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  • Yet one of the most significant effects of the détente has not been the warming of relations between the two countries, but rather stopping the "pink tide" in the rest of Latin America. That is the message the White House is pushing anyway in an attempt to convince Trump against rolling back executive orders relaxing regulations on trade with Cuba, according to another Miami Herald piece.
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