Evidence links former Colombian military head to extrajudicial killings - HRW (Dec. 21, 2016)

New evidence strongly suggests the former head of Colombia's military knew about hundreds illegal killings carried out under his watch, and failed to take steps to stop them and punish perpetrators, Human Rights Watch said yesterday.

HRW called on Colombia's attorney general to move forward with a stalled prosecution against General Mario Montoya Uribe, regarding the "false positives" extrajudicial executions, in which troops killed civilians and passed them off as guerrilla combatant casualties. 

The scandal broke in 2008 when it was revealed that thousands of civilians were killed between 2002 and 2008 to inflate body counts on which bonuses and vacations were based, reports the Associated Press.

In October HRW reviewed hundreds of pages of transcribed testimony which "strongly suggests that General Montoya failed to take steps to prevent the false positive killings."

"It's time for the prosecutor to use this important evidence it has on hand to advance in the case," said Jose Miguel Vivanco, the Americas director of Human Rights Watch.

HRW is further concerned that the cases will eventually fall under the jurisdiction of special tribunals set up under the new peace accord with the FARC to try crimes committed in the context of the conflict.

"The justice portion of the peace deal dictates that the Special Jurisdiction will rely upon a narrow definition of command responsibility – the rule that establishes when superior officers can be held responsible for crimes committed by their subordinates – that does not conform with international law. The definition could require authorities to prove commanders actually knew about and had control over the actions of their subordinates at the time they committed the crimes.

"Such a narrow definition of command responsibility would mean that commanders who were not present at a crime scene to exercise control over their troops’ actions at the time, but had effective control over the troops implicated in abuses and should have known about their actions, could escape accountability, although they bear criminal responsibility for their troops under international humanitarian law.

A recent Financial Times op-ed by HRW's Daniel Wilkinson denounces the last minute change to the accord that exempts the armed forces from command responsibility. (See Dec. 15's briefs.)

News Briefs
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  • In the holiday spirit: the Guardian profiles a group of Veracruz women who give food and water to migrants riding La Bestia freight train north. They stand by the side of the tracks and hold out offerings to migrants who grab the needed nourishment.

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