Another prison riot in Brazil -- 26 dead (Jan. 17, 2017)

Another prison riot in Brazil, this time in the Rio Grande do Norte province, claimed 26 lives this weekend. This pushes the total death toll to over a 134 so far this year, reports Folha de S. Paulo. A spate of violence that has even jaded Brazilians horrified, according to the New York Times.

As in previous riots, many of the bodies were extensively mutilated, including decapitation. The Associated Press points to a pattern "that security forces have been unable to get ahead of. It starts with an hours-long riot inside a penitentiary, then military police are sent in to assist severely outnumbered guards and distraught families wait outside while inmates post on social media photos they take of chopped up body parts."

Experts pin the spate of riots to a break between the country's main prison gangs -- the São Paulo-based First Capital Command (PCC) and the Rio de Janeiro-based Red Command (CV), which is associated with the Northern Family. But this weekend's fighting was between the PCC and the Sindicato do Crime, its local rival inside the prison, reports the Wall Street Journal. The PCC is seeking to expand dominance in the country's north in order to control lucrative cocaine trafficking routes.

But the riots also draw attention to the crushing overcrowding in the country's penitentiary system. The prison has a capacity of 620 inmates, but held nearly double that amount at the time of the riots. Brazil had 622,000 prisoners in 2014, compared to 233,000 in 2000 -- crammed into facilities built to deal with half that number. Extreme overcrowding exacerbates terrible prison conditions, such as infestations of rats and poisonous centipedes. These issues have fueled the growth of the gangs in the first place, and and are the overarching reason for the extreme violence, Julita Lemgruber, coordinator of the Centro de Estudos de Segurança e Cidadania told El País.

And InSight Crime notes that a prison guard speaking on the condition of anonymity told O Globo that the number of guards at Alcaçuz prison had been reduced from 21 to 7 in recent years.

The killings -- some of which occurred at a prison where services are privately run -- revive an older debate around privatized prisons, argues Gil Alessi in El País

Another concern is that the prison violence could spill over to the streets of Brazil's cities, according to another piece in El País. In fact, this weekend several shootouts occurred in the nearby city of Natal on the afternoon of the prison attack, possibly related.

"This recent incident serves as a reminder of the lack of control authorities exert over Brazil's prison system, and how this dynamic can contribute to violence on the street," according to InSight.

So far measures aimed at stopping the riots, including shuffling thousands of inmates among prisons, dispatching National Guard forces to critical areas and plans to build new prisons, have not been effective, notes the AP. 

Though the Minister of Justice has promised a national security plan, and will meet with provincial security secretariats this week, in which local officials responsible for penitentiaries are expected to ask for federal assistance. But El País criticizes the exclusion of prominent names in the civil society sector, including Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança, Instituto Sou da Paz, Centro de Estudos de Segurança e Cidadania, Open Society and Instituto Igarapé.

"Stopping the bloodshed begins with the federal and state governments calling this what it is: a public emergency," Robert Muggah, research director for the Igarape Institute, told the AP.

News Briefs
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  • But Honduran authorities have yet to contact the only witness of the killing in relation to identifying the killers, said Mexican Gustavo Castro in a press conference, reports EFE.
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  • Ten people found dead around Guerrero in separate incidents yesterday are related to drug gang rivalries, reports Reuters.
  • On the issue of gang violence -- InSight Crime reviews an interesting book focused on blood sacrifice rituals carried out by illicit groups around the world. The review focuses on an essay by Robert Bunker, which analyzes Mexican cases. "It becomes clear over the course of the book that the cases of cartels' brutality are more widespread than is often appreciated; the oft-cited tally of total gangland deaths in Mexico since 2006, currently above 100,000, has become shorthand for a destructive pattern, but it fails to convey the acts of wanton cruelty and suffering that populate this narrative. The focus on blood sacrifice fills that void."
  • In Argentina social movements protested yesterday marking the one year incarceration of social activist Milagro Sala, reports La Nación.
  • Countries tempted to hand out "goodies" to their voters, like fiscal stimulus and trade tariffs to protect domestic workers, should view Brazil as a cautionary tale that shows how such approaches actually hamper development, according to the Wall Street Journal

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