Day 2 of dictatorship: just the morning and a bang

This is moving folks.

First, as expected more and more international condemnations are coming. Even Colombia straightened somewhat its statement of yesterday.

Second, sporadic protests are taking place and we can sense that it may get worse. And as expected the regime moves fast to squelch any, at least in downtown Caracas. In particular journalists seem the favorite target.

But the shocker is the first major defection of chavismo. For sure it is not a scandalous soap opera break up. But the Attorney General of the country (Fiscal de la Republica) who has allowed so many abuses of the regime decided that no, the TSJ decisions of this week are not constitutional.

And the regime was not expecting this as her words were pronounced live on State TV as she was giving the annual balance of her administration. She said them at the end so VTV would not have a chance to comprehend what was going on. {correction: VTV did cut but Globovision kept it up so the country knows}

Certainly on the video she seems hesitant, perhaps a tad scared about the magnitude of what she was unleashing. But she did say it and this is a FIRST for a sitting chavista. Luisa Ortega may be trying to save her skin for a future government, but she is also risking her skin if Maduro prevails for a while. Let's give her some kudos even if we hate to do so.

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