What can the opposition do now?

As an appendix to the preceding blog entry this short post. Short because there is not much the opposition can do.

1) It needs to react strongly, and unified. On this respect, the opposition needs to break in two if necessary. The latest ruling by the TSJ is just too much. If Rosales or Falcon want to negotiate some shit, let them do it. It is time to take a stand on principles. After all, whether you take that stand will make no difference as to your destiny into exile of next cell to Leopoldo Lopez in a military prison. Thus if unity is not possible, so be it, take your chances.  We are now at the time where historical judgments are made.

2) Keep seating and making laws. It does not matter, the TSJ will even annul your bathroom break schedule if it needs to. But make points, vote outrageous populist laws if necessary.

3) But start with a debate on annulling the TSJ itself. Preparing thus the terrain for the application of article 350 which allows civil rebellion in front of institutions that violate the constitution. Timne to be strong.

4) Remind folks that it does not matter whether the TSJ approve a monetary deal. IF that one is not approved by the NA, the day the regime falls the state will be under no obligation to pay debts incurred by Maduro and the TSJ alone. If the regime accuses you of starving the country let them do it: people now know better.

5) Get ready to call for a constitutional assembly. Nothing else will work out, so might as well go straight for the biggy.

That is about all what I can think of.

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