Rights groups urge abortion ban reform in El Salvador (May 9, 2017)

A group of U.N. experts recommended El Salvador decriminalize abortion in certain cases, reports TeleSUR. El Salvador's current total abortion ban goes against international human rights standards and is likely to increase the number of women seeking risky abortions in underground clinics to terminate their pregnancy, according to the U.N. Working Groups and Special Rapporteurs.

Salvadoran lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow abortion in cases of danger to the woman's life, pregnancies resulting from rape, or if the baby will not survive.

The proposed penal code reform represents a crucial opportunity, according to Amnesty International. Human Rights Watch director José Miguel Vivanco expressed concern recently over the total prohibition on abortion, reports El Diario de Hoy.

The bill was introduced last year, but faces serious political opposition, reported Vice News recently. 

El Salvador's abortion ban is among the world's most draconian, and has been heavily criticized by rights groups. 

"The current law obligates women and girls to resort to clandestine abortions to save their lives, and creates an atmosphere of suspition towards women who suffer a spontenous abortion or other obstetric emergencies. As a consequence, women who have had complications during their pregnancies have been condemned to up to 40 years in prison after being accused of 'induced abortion,'" according to Amnesty. Over a dozen women have been incarcerated for miscarriages or obstetric complications, accused of seeking abortions. 

Recently a woman previously jailed for four years after having a miscarriage in El Salvador, was granted asylum in Sweden with her 11-year-old son, reports Newsweek.

Hundreds of thousands of women have defied the 19-year ban. Nearly 250,000 abortions took place between 1995 and 2000, and more than 11 percent resulted in the death of the pregnant woman,  according to the Center for Reproductive Rights. A 2014 Reuters report found that three out of eight maternal deaths in El Salvador are the result of suicide of pregnant girls under the age of 19, and girls aged 10 to 19 make up one-third of pregnancies in the country, reports Newsweek.

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