Venezuelans vote, international condemnation (July 31, 2017)

Venezuela's embattled government pushed through with an election yesterday to choose a constituent assembly to rewrite the constitution. The government claimed a turnout of nearly 8.1 million voters, or 41.5 percent -- a number the opposition claims is fraudulent, reports the Washington Post, which notes that Venezuela is known for high electoral participation.

An exit poll by Torino capital put the number at 18.5 percent participation. "The numbers are entirely unverifiable because this time around the National Electoral Council (CNE) dispensed with fourteen of its normal audits and protocols. In addition, it allowed voters to vote in alternative centers, did not use indelible ink, had no independent electoral observation, and did not allow journalists anywhere near the electoral centers," writes David Smilde at Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights.

Reporters noted few lines at polling centers around the country, according to the New York Times.

Allies of the Socialist Party won all 545 seats in the new assembly, which will have the power to dissolve state institutions -- including the opposition-led National Assembly -- and oust dissident state officials. First in line is the office of the dissident chief prosecutor, Luisa Ortega Díaz, reports Reuters.

"The result effectively liquidates the Venezuelan political opposition and leaves the left with complete control over a country that remains deeply divided," according to the NYT.

President Nicolás Maduro insists the goal is to move power from the hands of politicians to the hands of citizens, but critics say it will nullify opposition influence.

The government responded harshly to protests -- shock troops firing volleys of tear gas and storming squares in Caracas and around the country, according to the Washington Post. Those citizens who did vote came under the watchful gaze of 326,000 national guards and police. At least 10 people were killed in protests yesterday.

A new Datanalisis poll found that 72 percent of the population opposed the new constituent assembly.

Maduro insisted that the newly elected body will bring peace after months of protests, and mocked U.S. protests that the election was a violation of democracy. 

The opposition called for protests to continue today, reports the Guardian.

Growing international condemnation could increasingly affect Venezuela diplomatically, notes Smilde. Countries could refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the constitutional assembly's decisions, explains Mariano de Alba at Prodavinci.

Latin American countries joined the chorus of condemnation yesterday, along with Spain and Canada. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said that his country would not recognize the vote, while Mexico and Panama said they would collaborate with U.S. sanctions. The EU said the constituent assembly could not be part of the negotiated solution to the country's crisis, noting it was elected under doubtful and often violent circumstances, according to Reuters.

"If these other countries don’t recognize Venezuela as a democracy, it will be hard for them to look like a legitimate power,” WOLA's David Smilde told the NYT.

U.S. sanctions, however, are not the way to go, argue Smilde and Geoff Ramsey at Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights, noting how these actions have consistently backfired over the years.

Upping sanctions is of dubious "legitimacy and legality," argues Mark Weisbrot in The Hill. And Venezuelans overwhelmingly oppose such a course of action, he notes. "Most academic research shows that sanctions are generally ineffective, especially when they are being used to coerce another government to change its behavior. A recent study by Thomas Biersteker of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva found that sanctions were effective in such cases just 10 percent of the time. This is not surprising since most governments don’t like to be seen as being pushed around by foreign states."

A U.S. immigration lawyer who was close to former President Hugo Chávez has joined a chorus of chavista critics of the Maduro government, reports Bloomberg. Eva Golinger joins a growing group of dissent, though without necessarily supporting the opposition.

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