Venezuela's ANC sidelines Congress (Aug. 21, 2017)

Venezuela's National Constituent Assembly (ANC) essentially voided the country's legislature on Friday. The newly elected pro-government body assumed "the ability to legislate over matters directly related to guaranteeing peace, security and sovereignty," among other areas. And effectively side-lines the opposition-led National Assembly, the only branch of government not controlled by President Nicolás Maduro's allies, reports the New York Times.

The decision was criticized by opposition leaders, who said the ANC lacked legitimacy for such a move. Several regional governments and international bodies have criticized the ANC, and refuse to recognize its decisions, notes the BBC. Lawmakers said they would not recognize the ANC decision, which doesn't dissolve the body outright, and asked for international supporters to remain firm, according to the Miami Herald.

The actual practical effects will be few, as the government has sought to neuter the National Assembly since the 2015 election that gave opposition parties a majority there, reports the Guardian.  

And, the dubious legal standing of the ANC's decisions could affect the ultimate aim of displacing the legislature, which is accessing international loans, according to the Wall Street Journal. Legislators say 

Friday's decree follows an aborted attempt in March for the Supreme Court to usurp legislative power. That was met with widespread anger, and -- though the decision was rapidly recanted -- spurred months of protests that have left over 100 people dead.

And in the midst of a crackdown on opposition leaders, prominent Chavista dissident Luisa Ortega and her husband, Germán Ferrer, fled to Colombia, reports the Wall Street Journal. (See last Thursday's post.) Colombian authorities said they arrived in Bogotá on Friday afternoon aboard a private plane traveling from Aruba.

Her access to information in her previous post could make her a formidable enemy for the government, notes the Guardian. Ortega said the government's persecution of her is in fact due to her investigations regarding Odebrecht bribes to officials in Venezuela, reports Efecto Cocuyo. She spoke via video link to a regional summit of prosecutors and said her investigation involved Maduro and close associates. Members of the Public Ministry, which she led until her ousting earlier this month, have been subject to official harassment, and 74 national prosecutors specialized in corruption have been prohibited from leaving the country, she said.

A recent report from shows that Maduro received 35 million from Odebrecht in the 2013 presidential campaign. His opponent, Henrique Capriles, also received funding, 15 million. Both were in exchange for the understanding that the government would respect existing public works contracts awarded to the Brazilian construction giant. The report is based on leaked plea bargain testimony from Euzenando Azevedo to Brazilian prosecutors.

Aside: A new film, La Soledad, explores Venezuela's social ills from the vantage point of an old patrician house now inhabited by a working-class family, reports the Guardian.

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