Guatemalan lawmakers to determine sending Morales to trial (Sept. 5, 2017)

Guatemala's Supreme Court ruled yesterday that lawmakers should determine whether President Jimmy Morales' immunity from prosecution should be lifted so that he can face charges of illegal campaign financing, reports the Associated Press. Prosecutors and the CICIG allege that about $825,000 in financing for Morales' 2015 presidential campaign was hidden and that other expenditures had no explainable source of funding.

Only two of 13 judges voted against the motion yesterday, reports El Periódico. The case now goes to a Congressional Investigation Committee.

Two-thirds of the 158 deputies would have to vote in favor of the motion for it to pass. Morales issued a statement yesterday saying he would respect the country's institutions and called on citizens to remain objective. (See last Wednesday's post.) 

Morales FCN party will likely seek the support of the Movimiento Reformista party in order to avoid having his immunity lifted, reports Nómada, which reports on the various loyalties to shady characters in depth.

Judges rejected three other requests to prosecute the president, on charges of abuse of authority, obstruction of justice, and disobedience, all in reference to the attempted ouster of U.N. anti-corruption commission head Iván Velásquez.

The thwarted move must be sternly opposed by the U.N. and Washington, argues a New York Times editorial from yesterday. "The State Department and the United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, were right to promptly criticize Mr. Morales’s attempt to expel Mr. Velásquez. The United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, made clear that he was “shocked” by Mr. Morales’s action. Guatemala cannot afford to backslide, and Washington must help it stay the course." 

Still wondering why Morales' figured the politically suicidal move against Velásquez would work? Nómada pieced together the play by play from insider sources.

News Briefs
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  • Rio de Janeiro's terrifying violence levels include stray bullets which killed scores of people last year -- and are far more common in the city's poor north and west zones, home to many favela neighborhoods, writes Robert Muggah in the Conversation."Ambiguous defitions and under-counting mean that violence analysts like me don’t actually know whether crossfire killings are on the rise. But we do know this: Rio’s stray bullets are no accident – they’re the predictable outcome of a public security policy that privileges aggressive policing over prevention. Too often police in Rio are trained to shoot first and (maybe) ask questions later. When threatened, officers routinely fire off a disproportionate number of rounds – often at close range. And when trigger-happy cops wield powerful assault rifles, as Rio’s do, they can kill or injure people up to three kilometres away."

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