Brazilian lawmakers expected to shield Temer from corruption charges (Oct. 18, 2017)

The Constitution and Justice Committee of Brazil's Chamber of Deputies is debating charges against President Michel Temer. El País has live coverage of the debate. He was accused by the outgoing attorney general of heading a criminal organization and obstructing justice. (See Sept. 15's post.) Though lawmakers are expected to reject the charges, speeches yesterday were predominantly negative, reports Folha de S. Paulo

Temer will likely be protected from facing the charges by the deputies, "but trust in Brazil’s political leaders has been drastically undermined.That lack of trust is feeding support for an authoritarian solution to the crisis – which could have serious consequences in next year’s presidential elections," according to the Guardian.

Temer won the last Congressional vote over whether he should face charges of corruption with an open handed distribution of funds for local projects. This time critics are pointing to other maneuvering.

A change in how Brazil's government defines modern-day slavery could affect its ability to protect workers, reports the Guardian. Advocates said the move was a "social regression" aimed at currying support with the agri-business lobby ahead of this week's Congressional vote on whether Temer should face corruption charges.

Temer is also considering appointing a new chief for BNDES, one that would satisfy Congressional Speaker Rodrigo Maia's desire for more influence in the state development bank, reports Reuters.

News Briefs
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  • However, though Trump's LatAm policies are infuriating, they will not provoke a unified regional response, giving the impression of acquiescence, argues Nicolás Comini at Aula Blog."Internally, the left and right may agree that Trump is harming their interests, but their reasons are different and prescriptions for dealing with it are far apart.  On a regional basis as well, the current context accelerates the atomization of the region – and threatens to expand the bargaining power of the great powers of the United States, China, Germany, or Israel.  Although China is making inroads, in the end the United States has, and will retain, the greatest influence in Latin America – and the lack of efficient regional decision-making will prolong that situation.  Latin American fragmentation will create an image of acquiescence – and President Trump will think he is not doing so badly in the region."
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