Opposition governors-elect break ranks with MUD coalition stance (Oct. 24, 2017)

Four newly elected opposition governors were quietly sworn in yesterday before Venezuela's internationally criticized National Constituent Assembly (ANC). Only one of the handful of opposition leaders elected ten days ago maintained the opposition alliance's initial promise not to swear in before the ANC. 

The governors who took office yesterday are all from the Democratic Action party. The move demonstrates a growing schism within the MUD coalition, notes the Wall Street Journal. The Democratic Action's recognition of the polemically elected supra-legislative body bolsters the government's position and will likely contribute to frustration with the opposition.

President Nicolás Maduro said he had personally spoken with the four and promised to meet with them soon, reports Efecto Cocuyo. His friendly embrace is likely aimed at strengthening the government's democratic credentials before a skeptical international community.

Juan Pablo Guanipa, governor elect of Zulia state, said the ANC lacked legitimacy and refused to swear in yesterday, reports Efecto Cocuyo. The government has said a new election can be held in states where the winner does not swear loyalty to the ANC, reports Reuters.

The MUD schism will likely divide along the lines of electoral participation -- whether to compete in unfair elections or boycott them, according to analyst John Magdaleno in Efecto Cocuyo

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