OAS calls for new Honduran election, Piñera wins in Chile, impeachment proceedings started against PPK (Dec. 18, 2017)

President Juan Orlando Hernández was officially declared the winner of Honduras' elections. Hours later, the OAS called for new elections, saying the vote carried out last month was of "low technical quality," plagued by irregularities and lacking integrity, reports the Guardian

This morning security forces dispersed protesters in Tegucigalpa with tear gas, reports Reuters.

The electoral commission, which is controlled by government allies said Hernándz had won by about 50,000 votes over the opposition candidate, Salvador Nasralla. Yesterday's announcement came after a call by OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro to hold back on the announcement, after the an electoral observer mission criticized the quality of the election. 

The OAS report described irregularities - including deliberate human intrusions in the electoral computer system, pouches of votes opened or lacking votes, and “extreme” improbability around voting patterns it analyzed, reports Reuters.

In what could be a sign of an escalating fight between the OAS and the Honduran government, a top presidential advisor Almagro of violating the observation mission’s protocols and of "generating more violence," reports the New York Times. He also said Almagro had schemed with Nasralla to steal the election.

An analysis for the OAS by Georgetown University professor Irfan Nooruddin found that "the difference in vote patterns between early- and late-reporting polling stations shows marked changes that raises questions as to the accuracy of the late-reported returns. ... The differences are too large to be generated by chance and are not easily explicable, raising doubts as to the veracity of the overall result."

However, both the OAS and the European Union electoral observer missions noted that there were no significant differences between the tally sheets held by the political parties and those counted by the electoral commission.

The vote count following the Nov. 26 election was highly questioned by opposition parties. Protests repressed by security forces led to 17 deaths. Nasralla is in Washington D.C. and is meeting the US State Department, the OAS and organizations of civil society. He said he will present evidence of alleged fraud.

News Briefs
  • Sebastián Piñera won Chile's presidential election yesterday. The former president obtained 54.57 percent of the votes to his opponent's 45.23 percent, reports Reuters. Piñera's margin over Senator Alejandro Guillier was wider than expected in recent days. Piñera's win forms part of a right-ward trend in regional politics. The election itself was viewed as a referendum of sorts on the government of current President Michelle Bachelet. Though neither candidate represented a major shift in the country's free-market friendly model, Piñera is an investor favorite and is seen as more pro-miner. In addition to the left-right wing narrative, the Chilean election represents a light model of insider-outsider disputes that are seen in other elections coming up in the region, according to the New York Times.
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  • Peruvian political parties agreed on Friday to start impeachment proceedings against President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK). Analysts expect he will be ousted by the opposition-led Congress on Thursday -- though according to La Republica only the Fujimorista Fuerza Popular is determined to advance with the impeachment. The president is accused of failing to disclose payments made by Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht to a consulting firm he owned. PPK denies wrongdoing and has refused to step down, calling the move an "assault against the democratic order," yesterday. He has promised to open his bank accounts to inspection. (See Friday's post.) PPK also linked the move to impeach him to Fujimorista efforts to oust head prosecutor Pablo Sánchez, reports La República. (See post for Nov. 22.)  Critics say nearly $5 million in payments were made to a company he directed, and one owned by a business partner, during the time PPK served as finance and prime minister in the government of Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006). The Guardian quotes investigative journalist Gustavo Gorriti, who said: “The president has worn down the truth repeatedly," and that at least one payment was made while PPK served on the cabinet. Neither of the country's two vice presidents would open the door to new elections by resigning in the event of PPK's ouster, reported Reuters last night. If PPK is impeached, First Vice President Martin Vizcarra would immediately replace him. New elections would be called if Vizcarra and Second Vice President Mercedes Araoz resigned. "We’re going to ensure that this government continues in power. Peru elected the three of us and both of us vice presidents are going to defend our mandate," Araoz told Reuters. And Odebrecht has said that the payments made to PPK do not form part of the vast web of corrupt deals it made throughout the region in exchange for public works contracts, reports Reuters separately.
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  • Brazil's Workers' Party formally supported former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's presidential run for next year, despite a conviction of corruption that could hinder his candidacy, reports Reuters.
  • Brazilian police and prosecutors successfully stopped a scheme to illegally export precious hardwoods from the Amazon to China. Two Chinese entrepreneurs apparently agreed to pay a Brazilian company $15 million dollars (and had already paid $3 million) in order to export 50,000 sq meters of wood, reports the Guardian. That company then bribed environmental authorities in order to launder the illicit wood as "sustainably harvested." Authorities say they saved the state from $30 million worth of potential environmental damage.
  • Colombia’s leftist ELN rebels said on Sunday they are willing to extend a ceasefire set to expire next month if there is sufficient progress at peace talks with the government, reports Reuters.
  • Argentine judge Claudio Bonadio's accusations of treason and arrest for former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and members of her government of the federal judiciary's offensive against the former administration, "a sort of selective mani pulite," writes José Natanson in a New York Times Español op-ed. He reviews the case against Fernández, noting that much of the evidence is frail and the interpretations forced. He criticizes the institutional design of the federal justice system, which concentrates discretional power in the hands of few judges. As a result of their clout, successive administrations have discarded reform projects. "Warned of the risks, government prefer to reach implicit coexistence agreements rather than facedown a handful of powerful judges that habitually sleep with their fingers on the trigger."
  • The former head of Interpol has denounced Bonadio's accusation that he colluded in an alleged coverup of Iranians suspected of masterminding a 1994 terrorist attack in Buenos Aires. American Ronald K. Noble vehemently rejected the accusation and countered that the judge has brought forth a poorly investigated case, reports the New York Times
  • A mudslide in near Chaiten in Chile killed five people and left 15 missing, reports Reuters. Bachelet declared the area a disaster zone.
  • On the region's right-ward swing: In an interview with EFE, the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) said the conservative shift in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Paraguay has prioritized economic growth without giving up social progress.

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