Salvadorans continue to reject president's performance

At three-and-one-half years in office, LPG Datos recently asked Salvadorans to evaluate their president. The results indicate, once again, how poorly Salvadorans view Salvadoran President Salvador Sanchez Ceren's performance. Sixty-four percent of those polled disapprove of his presidency, while only 27 percent approve. And it is now as if they simply disapprove of his performance. Forty-four percent strongly disapprove; only 5 percent strongly approve.

Among those who approve of his performance, they emphasize the governments distribution of school packages, uniforms, and food. Respondents have emphasized these successes for the last eight years of FMLN governance. At the same time, those with negative views of President Sanchez criticize the government's performance with respect to security and employment. They also fault him for not following through on some promises, such as providing a computer for every child enrolled in school.

Support for Salvadoran presidents typically seem inflated. Salvadorans tend to give them decent marks even when most impartial observes would not. That no longer seems to be the case. That is not good news for the FMLN as there is only a little over one year to go before the next presidential elections. Few historic FMLN supporters would likely vote for ARENA in 2019. However, Nayib Bukele might be someone they could throw their support behind.

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