To find bad hombres, Trump is deporting more immigrants without criminal convictions

It's obviously frustrating to read the coverage of what has occurred in regard to immigration and deportations during the first eleven months of the Trump administration. The only way for President Trump to deport more undocumented immigrants would be to go after people without criminal records, parents of US citizens, and other low risk categories. As the Washington Post writes,
Of roughly 143,000 unauthorized immigrants living in the United States who were arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 — a 30 percent increase over the previous year — more than a quarter had no criminal convictions. As for those who had been convicted, most were guilty of non-violent charges including drug, traffic and immigration offenses such as re-entering the country after deportation.
While clearly not perfect, these were people whom the Obama administration identified as low priorities for deportation. For the Trump administration to build on Obama's deportation record, he would have to go well beyond "bad hombres." He would have to break up mixed status families.

And that it exactly what the administration is now doing.

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