US sanctions Guatemalan congressman

In March 2015, Guatemalan journalists Danilo Efrain Zapon Lopez and Federico Benjamin Salazar Geronimo were murdered while walking in a Mazatenango park. Marvin Israel Tunchez Ayala was also wounded. 

CICIG and Guatemalan prosecutors accused Congressman Julio Antonio Juarez Ramirez of orchestrating the murder of Zapon because he feared that the journalist's critical reporting would would make "his bid for re-election" more difficult. Juarez represents the National Convergence Front (FCN), although at the time of the murder he has was running as a candidate for Manuel Baldizon's Lider party. In between those parties, he was with Progresista.

While the wheels of justice turn slowly in Guatemala, the U.S. Treasury Department just sanctioned Juarez, freezing his US-based assets, via the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

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