Loss of TPS threatens US and Salvadoran economies

Christopher Woody takes a dive into the likely economic consequences in both the U.S. and El Salvador with the announced termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 200,000 Salvadorans.

I have some quote in the article. I think that we can all agree that those most severely affected by the decision will be TPS recipients and their families. If the recipients return to El Salvador, their quality of life will mostly decline. There are few high paying jobs in the country and the insecurity is unlike anything that we have in our country. Relocating U.S. born children to El Salvador under these conditions, or leaving them with other family members and friends in the U.S., is in nobody's best interest.

If they go into the shadows in the U.S. after losing TPS, their quality of life will decline. Many will lose their jobs and be forced to take lower paying jobs, perhaps with fewer hours and in more dangerous industries. The economic cost for them and their families will be great, not to speak of the emotional and psychological toll.

I think that it is much more difficult to project what will have at the meso- and macro-level as a result of this decision. We don't know how many former TPS recipients will leave the U.S. voluntarily in September 2019. We don't know how many will spend time in prison before deportation. We don't know how many will stay in El Salvador should they ever end up returning to the country. They might be on the first bus north. That might be the first thing that I would do if I were separated from my four kids and the country that I had lived in for over two decades.

It's a disaster for those families directly affected by the loss of TPS but for El Salvador the affects are a bit more uncertain. For the U.S., it will not just be a black mark on President Trump's presidency, but it will be a black mark on our country's history, especially if the President goes through with his plans to strip another 800,000 young DACA recipients of their protections and deport them.

You can read Chris' post on Trump's latest immigration crackdown threatens the economy — both in the US and in El Salvador in Business Insider.

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