Brazilian Supreme Court votes to jail Lula (April 5, 2018)

Brazil's Supreme Court narrowly voted against allowing former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to remain free while appealing a corruption conviction. The 6-5 vote after a marathon session not to grant Lula habeas corpus means the popular leader -- and favorite for October's presidential election -- could go to jail within a week, reports Reuters. Judge Sergio Moro is expected to issue an arrest warrant imminently, reports the New York Times.

Supreme Court President Cármen Lucía cast the tie breaking vote and made the announcement after midnight yesterday. El País notes that Brazil is one of few countries where Supreme Court deliberations are broadcast, and an anxious public followed the proceedings through the night. Thousands of Brazilians rallied for and against the former president last night, reports Reuters.

Lula will still have the right to continue appealing and can remain a pre-candidate in the elections until at least August, when the official candidates will be decided, reports the Financial Times. At that point his candidacy will likely be barred by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, based on a Brazilian law disqualifying people whose criminal convictions have been upheld by an appeals court, explains the NYT.

The decision could spell the end of Lula's political career, and increases political tension in the midst of an already polarized scene. Earlier this week the head of Brazil's army called on the court to stand against impunity, an intervention that rattled many in a country governed by the military between 1964 and 1985, reports the Guardian. Amnesty International’s Brazil director, Jurema Werneck said the apparent pressure on the court was "greatly disturbing."

A Supreme Court justice who voted against jailing Lula while he appeals the conviction, Celso de Mello spoke out against the declarations in yesterday's deliberations, calling them unacceptable.

Lula might get out of jail pending another Supreme Court decision regarding the constitutionality of incarcerating people without firm convictions, explains El País. His lawyers have challenged a 2016 ruling that found that defendants can be jailed if their conviction is upheld on a first appeal. The decision was aimed at reducing a backlog in the legal system that could effectively keep the rich and powerful out of jail for years while they exhausted legal appeals. But critics say it affects the presumption of innocence.

Lula supporters say Lucía has postponed debating the constitutionality issues (ADCs). Supreme Court Judge Gilmar Mendes, who voted against the majority, criticized the handling of the case, saying the judges should have also voted on that question simultaneously, reports O Globo. Pressure will likely be on the Supreme Court to move on the constitutionality challenges.

Lula was found guilty in August and sentenced to 10 years in prison for accepting bribes worth $1 million from engineering firm OAS, in the form of a refurbished beach apartment in return for assistance obtaining contracts with state oil company Petrobras, explains Reuters. In January, an appeals court unanimously upheld his conviction and increased the prison sentence to 12 years.

Lula's supporters say the judicial proceedings and timings have been politically motivated.

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