Brewing humanitarian crisis on the border

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! Like usual, there's a lot going on in Central America and Mexico, and it doesn't appear that the US has a strategy to address the brewing humanitarian crisis. From what I told CNN's Catherine Shoichet a few weeks ago,
But despite the lingering questions about these large groups forming, Allison said the most important thing to do right now isn't to pinpoint why they're leaving; it's to address the humanitarian crisis that's emerging as they make the trek.
During the early part of their journey out of Honduran, thousands of migrants relied upon the generosity of the Mexican people. They received food, drink, clothes, and transportation. However, it wasn't clear how long nongovernmental support was going to keep up with the needs of the people in transit. Now, thousands of people have reached the US-Mexico border in Tijuana. Thousands more are on their way.

The Tijuana mayor says that he will not use public resources to help those in need and is instead calling on the United Nations for assistance to address the "humanitarian crisis." After the publicity stunt of reinforcing the Texas border, the US is now reinforcing the California border just in case I guess. The US is also slowing down the processing of migration requests, for those who cross regularly and for those seeking asylum. It's like the US administration is intentionally making a bad situation worse. I can't imagine what will happen if the US and Mexico actually agree on a plan to require people seeking asylum in the US to stay in Mexico while their cases are processed in the US.

And the exodus from Honduras shows no signs of letting up. I Live in Honduras, Where People Are in Constant Fear of Being Murdered. It’s No Wonder They Join Caravans. I'd say that the US has little interest in addressing the root causes of the crisis. However, I think the Trump administration and those of us who study the region and migration simply have a different understanding of the root causes.

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