Bates County Memorial Hospital: Cheryl Hebblethwaite Retirement

On July 28, 2015, Cheryl Hebblethwaite was honored with a beautiful mantel clock in recognition of 16 years of service to Bates County Memorial Hospital as she retires from her position as Education Coordinator.

 Cheryl began her full-time employment at the hospital in November, 1999 in the Home Health Department. Later she transferred to the Human Resources Director and has been the Education Coordinator for the past several years. She has been instrumental in providing many educational opportunities for the employees and the community. 

Cheryl is an encourager and would offer positive affirmation to her co-workers. She can be described as someone who is always kind and compassionate. While Cheryl’s presence will be missed at the hospital, she has great plans for her retirement years. Not only will she be spending much needed time with her family, Cheryl is working on writing children’s books with the hope of being published in the near future.

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