More Heavy Rain Forecasted During Overnight Hours Could Lead to More Road Closings; Use Extreme Caution‏

Southwest Missouri - More heavy rain is forecasted for southwest Missouri overnight into Wednesday, July 7-8, and Missouri Department of Transportation crews will be on alert to respond to flooded roads.

Drivers are urged to stay alert and monitor weather forecasts and flooding reports.  Also, drivers are urged to check MoDOT's Traveler Information Map for the latest road closings due to high water. 

During the day on Tuesday, July 7, many state routes in the Cassville, Reeds Spring and Branson areas were closed due to flash flooding because of torrential rains.  It is possible with more rain in the forecast that roads that were reopened late in the afternoon Tuesday may close again overnight.
The already saturated ground is causing water to runoff quickly filling low-lying areas.  In some cases, water is covering roads in areas where it normally doesn't.With this in mind, drivers are urged to use extreme caution if they are traveling Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. 
Driving Tips During Flooding Conditions:
  • Never drive through moving or standing water. 
  • Looks may be deceiving. With rapidly moving water in a flash flood, roads can be washed away just under the surface of the moving water.
  • It also takes just a small amount of water to wash a vehicle off a road into a creek
  • Never drive around barricades
  • Monitor forecasts and check road conditions frequently

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