Daily Headlines: September 21, 2015

* Cuba: On the last full day of his visit to Cuba, Pope Francis is scheduled to preside over a mass in the city of Holguin and visit the shrine of the island’s patron saint.

* Brazil: The Brazilian Supreme Court barred corporate donations to candidates and political parties as part of a ruling made amid major corruption scandals that have rocked the country’s political establishment.

* Venezuela: Hundreds of protesters in Venezuelan and international cities marched on Saturday against the thirteen year prison sentence recently handed down against opposition activist Leopoldo Lopez.

* Argentina: Argentina lifted a ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men and, thus followed the lead Chile and Mexico by basing donors on “individual risk”.

YouTube Source – No Comment TV (“Pope Francis celebrated Mass with tens of thousands of Cubans in Havana's Revolution Square.”)

Online Sources – CNN, Reuters, The Huffington Post, The Guardian

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