"GO TO JAIL: Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200."

Francisco Goldman has a terrific essay on the downfall of Otto Perez Molina in The New Yorker with From President to Prison: Otto Pérez Molina and a Day for Hope in Guatemala. How corrupt OPM is alleged to have been prior to and during his term in office, as well as his unhelpfulness with regards to CICIG, gives me hope that the MP's office and CICIG can continue to make progress under whomever is elected tomorrow. It's won't be ideal if Baldizon, Morales, or Torres wins, but I've recently been accused of being optimistic. But then again, I thought the Perez Molina inherited a better situation in Guatemala than did other observers.  

Carlos Dada has an article in The New Yorker as well with Corruption Charges Turn Guatemala Upside Down. In some ways, Carlos emphasizes the progress that occurred at the end of the Colom administration and the beginning of the OPM administration. Remember when Perez had the international community swooning over his off-the-cuff recommendation to decriminalize drugs? I say off-the-cuff because, from what I understand, after he made those comments, his advisers ran around town asking everybody how it might be done. Perez had campaigned for the presidency for nearly a decade and had never once mentioned decriminalization. His advisers had no clue what he was talking about.

Finally, Jan-Albert Hootsen takes a look at recent developments in Guatemala with an eye towards tomorrow's elections with As President Otto Pérez Molina leaves office, Guatemalans rejoice and worry over future. It's tough to say what is going to happen on Sunday. Morales has taken advantage of the scandal involving the country's traditional political parties to propel himself into a two- or three-way tie for the presidency. The three candidates leave much to be desired so there is a good chance that some people will stay home, others will nullify their ballots, and still others will issue a protest vote for one of the smaller political parties.

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