ISIS uses Facebook to hunt down - and kill - gays

There's a surprise -  NOT!!

From Christian Today:

ISIS out to exterminate all homosexuals in Mideast, uses Facebook to hunt them down
Jonah Hicap27 August 2015

The jihadist Islamic State is out to exterminate all males perceived as homosexuals in Syria and Iraq, and it uses Facebook to track them down, the head of an international gay rights organisation to the United Nations on Monday.

During a UN Security Council meeting Monday, Jessica Stern, executive director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), said ISIS has already killed at least 30 people for sodomy, meaning those who it perceived to be gays.

"We can say that the minimum number of executions for sodomy for which ISIS has claimed responsibility is 30. ISIS-established courts have claimed to punish sodomy with stoning, firing squads, beheadings, and by pushing men from tall buildings," Stern said said.
He said ISIS militants "are professional when it comes to tracking gay people. They hunt them down one by one. When they capture people, they go through the person's phone and contacts and Facebook friends."

"They are trying to track down every gay man. And it's like dominoes. If one goes, the others will be taken down, too," he said..

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