Who's number 2? Who's number 2?

I'm not going to have anything on Guatemala today, maybe tonight, but in the meantime check out the commentary from these smart individuals. What I like about their views is that they don't focus specifically on Guatemala which means that they can step back and see things that I don't.

Orlando Perez - What happens now in Guatemala?

Boz - Guatemala's Morales as the frontrunner

Greg Weeks  - No Guatemalan Spring? and a little on Guatemala Aftermath

My post from yesterday has been cross-posted at Warscapes. Here is my preview of the election.

My second look at yesterday's results is that we will never know who actually won second place among voters' intentions. There was enough electoral violence, herding of votes, burning of ballots, clientelistic practices, possible manipulation of votes, etc. that victory could have swung one way or another between Torres and Baldizon. As of right now, Torres leads.

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