Syria: ISIS rapes, tortures, crucifies 12 Christians

From Clarion Project:

ISIS Cuts Off Fingertips of 12-Yr Old Christian Boy 

 He was later crucified with his father. Ten others were killed, including two women, who were raped in front of a crowd before being beheaded. 

Tues October 6, 2015

An Islamic State terrorist reading out a crucifixion sentence in Syria

Reports have emerged about the brutal killing of 12 Christians, including a 12-year-old boy, by the Islamic State in Syria.

The boy was the son of a Syrian ministry team leader who had started nine churches in Syria. The executions took place in village outside of Aleppo.

A spokesperson for Christian Aid said, “In front of the team leader and relatives in the crowd, the Islamic extremists cut off the fingertips of the boy and severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam. When the team leader refused, relatives said, the ISIS militants also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion."

Eight other aid workers were separately executed for refusing to denounce their faith. In front of a crowd that was summoned to watch, two of the workers, women aged 29 and 33, were raped before all eight were beheaded.

Syria’s Christian’s population has decreased by two-thirds since 2011, when the conflict began. In Iraq, the Christian population, which numbered at close to 1.5 million in 2003 has shrunk to below 200,000 today....

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