Electoral crisis in Haiti - accusations of fraud and decreased voter trust (Nov. 19, 2015)

The electoral crisis in Haiti -- with accusations of massive fraud, including ballot stuffing and political party monitors voting multiple times -- is worsening and has set off a crisis of confidence in Haiti's electoral process. It's unclear what will happen ahead of the scheduled Dec. 27 run-off vote and protests threaten to paralyze Haiti in coming weeks, according to the Miami Herald.

Two Haitian presidential candidates say they were hit by rubber bullets fired by police at protesters demonstrating against alleged electoral fraud yesterday. And another candidate says he and his supporters were threatened with arrest, reports the Miami Herald.

Reuters has footage of protesters showing wounds.

The candidates, Senator Steven Benoit and former Senator Moise Jean-Charles say they were shot point blank yesterday, as police attempted to disperse the largest protest since the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) announced the results of October 25th's election two weeks ago. (See last Friday's post.)

The protests came after a Monday night meeting between the CEP and eight presidential candidates after which they rejected requests to form an independent commission to verify the preliminary presidential election results, saying the law doesn't grant them the authority to do so, reports the Miami Herald in a piece from yesterday.

But attorney Samuel Madistin, a presidential candidate who serves as spokesman for the group, says Haitian law doesn't prevent such an independent commission, and noted that independent verifications have been formed in past electoral disputes, including in the 2010 elections that brought President Michel Martelly to power.

The group of presidential candidates rejecting the results include second-place finisher Jude Célestin, who received 25.2 percent of the vote in the October election. President Michel Martelly's handpicked successor, Jovenel Moise, received 32.8 percent and rejects the allegations of fraud.

While international observers noted only a few irregularities, a coalition of local electoral observers said the CEP's failure to implement several recommendations to address the crisis only adds to a general mistrust of the electoral process. 

Opportunities for fraud were created with the distribution of 915,675 accreditation cards to political party monitors and observers; poor security measures and a lack of training of workers, said the observers in a report released last week. They too are calling for the appointment of an independent commission.

The "massive fraud  recorded in the election could not be achieved without the active participation of the CEP," said the report which accuses the electoral council of favoring political parties close to the government, reports Haiti Libre.

And new study released by Igarapé Institute today found that the allegations of fraud by politicians and observers are mirrored by deep public suspicion of the first round of the presidential election in Haiti. An Igarapé Institute research team administered household surveys in 135 polling stations before and after the election to assess attitudes about the electoral process and found that public confidence in the process had plummeted between the two dates, reports the Associated Press. While voters on election day said they felt the process was fair, the same citizens disagreed with a statement saying the processes wasn't fraudulent after the results were announced.

The report says the "findings suggest an incompatibility between the declared result and the voting patterns of Haitian citizens. They also indicate the corrosive effects of electoral corruption on citizen attitudes and faith in the democratic process."

Beyond the immediate electoral impact, the report points to a larger issue of trust in Haiti's democratic process.

"In order to increase the confidence of citizens in the electoral process, it is essential to reduce irregularities and fraud. Experience with corruption fuels widespread perceptions that an individual’s vote does not impact election outcomes. In a culture where rumors rapidly spread rapidly and can magnify tensions, future elections must be as transparent and integrate neutral monitoring processes. ... Ultimately, the voter is the true judge of electoral efficacy and improving voter confidence in the electoral process is a positive step for Haitian democracy."

News Briefs

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  • And American travelers to Cuba will finally be able to use a debit card -- offered by Stonegate Bank of Florida to travelers who fall under one of 12 categories approved by the U.S. government, reports the Miami Herald.
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  • Think you've spotted fugitive Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán? You're not alone. Check out InSight Crime's map of reported sightings around the world -- though the piece notes he's likely in his traditional stronghold in Mexico's "Golden Triangle."

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