ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine 


MERRY CHRISTMAS 2015 - A Week-Long Christmas Thread At All News PipeLine

'Politically Incorrect' - Texas Restaurant Chain, Ohio Bakery And Georgia Sheriff All Say Merry Christmas And 'If This Offends You.... Leave!'

Hot News Around.... the Web!

Matt Drudge Might Elect Donald Trump
It's A Very Trump Christmas

YouTube Says T-Mobile Is Throttling Its Video Traffic

TX Restaurant Touts ‘Politically Incorrect’ Holiday Policy

Most Americans Have Less Than $1,000 In Savings

UPDATE: Fake Passports From ISIS Grow as Threat

Re-print Of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Unleashes Row In Germany

Barack Obama Blames the Messenger

Migrants Set Up Camp At Paris Terror Memorial

Eric Schmidt Warns of AI 'Undesirable Outcomes

Hillary Clinton Fan Threatens Mosque; Media Blame Trump

White House Moves To Grant Visa Waivers For Iranians

Existing Home Sales Collapse - Worst November In History

Guns Topping Christmas Lists

NOAA Sued for Climate Data Scandal Docs

Clinton, Obama In ISIS Recruitment Vid, Not Trump

Shocker: Burning Fossil Fuels 'COOLS Planet'

AP: US Power Grid Vulnerable To Foreign Hacks

Car Plows Into Pedestrians Near Planet Hollywood

Polls May Actually Underestimate Trump's Support

Inside Obama's Secret Pity Party

Trump Tops Google Searches Before Dem Debate

ISIS Stole 'Tens Of Thousands' Of Blank Passports

U.S. Bomber Flies Over Waters Claimed by China

Excessive Political Correctness 'Killing Free Speech'

Hack Has U.S. Fearing Foreign Infiltration

NY Pizza Parlor Owner Admits Recruiting For ISIS

NYT Memory-Holed This Devastating Obama Admission

Teen ISIS Supporter Used 57 TWITTER Accounts
Sanders Sues Democratic Party

The Largest Releases Of Methane In California History

CISA Is Now The Law: How Congress Quietly Passed...

Virginia County's Schools Close Over Assignment Reaction

Suspicious Activity With Huge Crowds At Star Wars Movies 

Obama Loses Terrorists! Setting America Up For Terror!

America 1st Or World War 3: Pat Buchanan
Arrested Jihadi Warns Of Islamic Blitzkrieg Coming

Why This Year’s Christmas Season Is So Angry

A Majority Of Americans Oppose "Assault Weapons Ban"

Dana Loesch Explodes on ‘Godless Left’

Congress's $12 Billion Giveaway To Health Insurers

Secret Deal Quadruples Foreign Workers In America

Judge Declares Mistrial of Baltimore Cop in Freddie Gray Case

Ivy Leaguers Sign 'Petition' To Repeal First Amendment

Overoptimistic Fed Strains Credibility

Trump Dominates Drudge Debate Poll: Vote Here

Rise In Zombie-Like Infections Demand Call To Action
ISIS Celebrates Los Angeles Bomb Scare
Trump Destroys Bush's Saudi Arabian 9/11 Narrative

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