Crime victimization and political support in Honduras

Orlando Perez takes a look at the relationship between crime and support for democracy with Crime Diminishes Political Support and Democratic Attitudes in Honduras for LAPOP's AmericasBarometer Insights Series. Here are his main findings:

  • Crime victimization is associated with lower presidential approval, and with less support for the political system
  • There is no association between political support and levels of insecurity in Honduras
  • Both crime victims and non‐victims, and those who feel insecure and secure, are just as likely to say that they support democracy as the best form of government
  • However, victims of crime are more likely to say that a coup is justified in the case of high crime than non‐victims
I'd like to see some nuance with regards to the frequency and intensity of crimes a person has experienced within the last twelve months. I also wonder how much support will vary depending upon whether one is victimized by the state or a non-state actor. I suspect that system support would decrease to a greater extent should one be a victim of the police than of a gang.

You can read Orlando referring to himself in the third person in English and Spanish

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