Has Guatemala's Long-Awaited Spring Finally Arrived?

Author and journalist Michael Deibert recently gave an address at the University of Pittsburgh on recent developments in Guatemala. You can read the substance of his talk in Has Guatemala's Long-Awaited Spring Finally Arrived?
Will events of recent months mark a definitive break from Guatemala’s corrupt past? Despite the valiant efforts of Guatemala’s civil society. Guatemalan criminal organizations continue to make use of street-level gangsters as foot soldiers, as is evidence by an event several years ago that took place in Guatemala’s lethal and dysfunctional prison system, specifically the Varones in Guatemala City’s Zone 18 district, as was described to me by someone with direct knowledge of the case.
Go read some connections between government officials and organized crime and drug trafficking in Guatemala as well as the story of a prison massacre that would have been except for the actions of CICIG.

There's a long road ahead and progress will have to occur in spite of the president-elect.

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