Belize's murder rate comes in above that of Guatemala

From 7newsbelize,
Every year in the first week of January, we report on the country’s murder rate. It’s subject of nervous worry since, we imagine every Belizean dreads when we’re right there in the list of the top ten most murderous countries on earth. Well, there were plenty of murders this year, 119 of them but many more in other countries, so, early indications are that Belize will not make it unto that top ten.
Of course, there’s nothing to celebrate in 119 murders – that’s dismal, but it is four less than last year’s 123. It also brings down Belize’s murder rate to 32, which is lower than our neighbors, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Those three countries are called the Northern Triangle and they comprise what is widely recognized as the most dangerous area on earth.
Sorry, but you finished the year behind Guatemala - the rate, not the overall number, of course.

I know. Enough with murder. Let's move on to something more positive. Soon.

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