It's too dangerous for us, but not enough for them

I have some quotes in the following two articles on Central America. In Roque Planas and Elise Foley's El Salvador Deemed Too Dangerous For Peace Corps, But Not For Deportees for The Huffington Post, I discussed Peace Corps' decision to pull out of El Salvador. They do a nice job of linking it to the contradictory (?)US government positions that El Salvador is too dangerous to host US citizens but not dangerous enough to return those Salvadorans who failed to attain asylum in the US.

In the second article, Nina Lakhani takes a look at the Surge in Central American migrants at US border threatens repeat of 2014 crisis for The Guardian. Whatever efforts the US and its neighbors have undertaken to stem the flow of migrants from the region to the US, it is clear that they have not done enough to convince thousands of people from the Northern Triangle to stay home. I'm not sure that anyone really thought that our efforts would have a demonstrable impact in just one year. However, it still has to be frustrating. And, no, raiding immigrant communities in the US and traumatizing thousands of people once again is not a reasonable next step.

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