So about that gang truce?

José Cabezas (AFP).
Salvadoran authorities arrested four suspected gang members at a training camp in the western part of the country last week. I'm not exactly sure what this training camp comprises but it's one of the issues that I think need answered with regards to the 2012 gang truce.

Did training camps exist prior to the truce? Did they only pop up or expand as a result of the breathing room offered by the truce? If training camps did operate during the truce, were mediators or government officials aware of their existence and/or did they turn a blind eye? These seem to be important questions that need answers.

In other news, Salvadoran authorities claim that over 80% of the arms decommissioned from gang members were in working condition. We heard during the truce that the turning over of weapons was a farce. Gang members were surrendering civil war era weapons that didn't even work. The smear campaign sure seems like it was designed to undermine the truce.

Two other  relationships need clarification. Did the US try to obstruct the truce in any way? We know that tourist warnings came out during high points of the truce. The US also made it a point to ensure that no taxpayer money went to initiatives supportive of the truce. Was that it?

Finally, what was the role of FMLN? Obviously, Mauricio Funes was elected at the head of the FMLN ticket. However, I never got a clear picture of their involvement compared to let's say the Friends of Mauricio.

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