Nicaragua's Supreme Court splinters opposition in threat to democracy (June 9, 2016)

The Supreme Court in Nicaragua released a ruling Wednesday that splintered the ranks of the main opposition party, Prensa Latina reports. The ruling resolved a dispute between four factions of the Independent Liberal Party (PLI) that arose after internal elections in 2011 and has continued in the courts ever since. The Supreme Court's ruling effectively returned power to the faction that won in 2011, now headed by Pedro Reyes Vallejos, and unseated the PLI's current leader, Eduardo Montealegre, Yahoo News Reports.

Nicaraguans go to the polls in presidential elections in November, when President Daniel Ortega will seek a third consecutive presidential term, after passing a law in 2014 that scrapped a previous two-term limit. Many have interpreted yesterday's Supreme Court ruling as an attempt by Ortega and his Sandinista party allies to hurt the opposition before the elections, according to El Confidencial. Montealegre has said he will still run for president, despite being stripped of PLI party leadership.

Leading businessmen came out in criticism of the ruling, reports La Prensa, which they said represented a threat to democracy. They also criticized the recent decision of Ortega's government not to permit international observers to monitor the upcoming election. In a June 4 speech before the National Sandinista Congress, Ortega said, "Observation is over. [The international monitors] can go back and observe how to bring order to their own countries," according to El Confidencial.

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