A murder foretold: the sequel?

Captain Byron Lima was murdered in Pavon Prison yesterday in Guatemala. Twelve other people were killed at the prison, including Argentine model Joanna Birriel. A convict serving time for orchestrating the 2008 Nicaraguan bus killings, Marvin Montiel Marin, was fingered as the man behind Lima's murder. Montiel and Lima were competitors within the prison.

Lima was serving time for his involvement in Bishop Juan Gerardi's murder in 1998. Since his arrest and conviction, Lima had become one of the country's most powerful figures. He used his military background and silence to build an empire, both inside and outside of the prisons in which he has been housed.

Not that long ago, he accused various people of moving him to a maximum security prison so that he could be killed more easily. Less than two years later, he is now dead.

I'm not sure anyone believes that the murder stops with Birriel. Figuring out who on the outside was able to smuggle the weapons into the prison should provide some insight into who had the captain killed. Lima's family has three hypotheses, including one where his death was connected to new information related to the Gerardi murder,  Jose Ruben Zamora of El Periodico speculates that his murder was related to a small group of military officials that surround President Jimmy Morales.

Lima's murder is a setback in the cause of justice in Guatemala. There was more to learn from him concerning the Gerardi murder and his criminal empire. Who on the outside helped him? His murder demonstrates once again that no one is safe in Guatemala. There are several high level prisoners at Pavon, prisoners that are also active witnesses for the government in ongoing criminal cases.

I have nothing to go on, but I am awaiting Lima's testimony from beyond the grave. I can't imagine someone this powerful and criminal not having a message to share with the public, and his enemies, should his life come to an untimely end.

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