HRW report on extrajudicial executions in Rio (July 11, 2016)

Human Rights Watch report released last week found that Rio de Janeiro hasn't done enough to address extrajudicial executions by police. 

The 109-page report, "‘Good Cops Are Afraid’: The Toll of Unchecked Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro," documents how unlawful police killings have contributed to the unraveling of the state’s ambitious efforts to improve public security, according to HRW.

Rio police have killed more than 8,000 people in the past decade, including at least 645 in 2015. Though many were likely the result of the legitimate use of force, many others were extrajudicial executions, Human Rights Watch found. "Police shoot at unarmed people. They shoot people in the back as they are fleeing. They execute people who have been detained with a bullet to the head."

And police officers routinely attempt to cover up this criminal behavior: "They threaten witnesses. They plant guns on their victims. They remove corpses from crime scenes and deliver them to hospitals, claiming they were trying to 'rescue' them."

The report builds on information from interviews with 30 police officers, many who serve in Rio de Janeiro's favelas.

"Unlawful killings by police take a heavy toll—not only on the victims and their families—but also on the police force itself. The killings fuel cycles of violence that endanger the lives of all officers serving in high-crime areas, poison their relationships with local communities, and contribute to high levels of psychological stress that undermine their ability to do their jobs well."

News Briefs
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  • Uruguayan rules that restrict cigarette company branding and mandate health warnings occupying 80 percent of the box are permitted, according a new ruling by the World Bank's ICSID. Philip Morris brought a case against the country's policies, aimed at limiting tobacco consumption, but lost and will have to pay $7 million in costs and lawyers fees, reports El Observador. The tobacco company said the law violated a bilateral treaty and also hurt its intellectual property rights and sales. President Tabaré Vazquez called it a victory for efforts to protect public health and his country's national sovereignty, reports the Associated Press. Uruguay banned smoking in public places in 2006, raised taxes on tobacco products and required large warnings and graphic images on cigarette packages, according to Reuters. The David and Goliath victory could embolden other small countries seeking to deter tobacco use, argues the Christian Science Monitor. The case was risky for a small country like Uruguay, and some suggested the tobacco giant could bankrupt the country. Uruguay was promised support for court fees by Bloomberg Philanthropies, an example of how international philanthropies are supporting smaller countries' struggles to fight tobacco use.
  • In a Guardian op-ed, Democracy Center researchers Leny Olivera Rojas and Aldo Orellana Lopez argue that the phrase "economic development" has negative connotations in Latin America, where it is often associated with "poverty, the exploitation of natural resources, environmental disasters, social discrimination, economic dependence and the criminalization of protest." They present a Bolivian alternative concept, "Vivir Bien," which is rootedin the perspectives and practices of indigenous peoples. "The concept of “living well” is not synonymous with the models of economic growth and consumerism that economic development brings about; it is becoming ever clearer that these are not true indicators of wellbeing. Economic development has not only brought more negative consequences than benefits to Latin America, it has also put the planet at risk – with the impacts of accelerating climate change particularly evident in the region, especially in Bolivia," they write.
  • New York Times editorial lauds some country's efforts to suspend Venezuela from the Mercosur trading bloc, albeit temporarily. "It’s uncertain that strong and sustained international pressure on Mr. Maduro will make him more responsible and conciliatory. But it could galvanize Venezuelans who are struggling to attain peaceful change. The leaders of Mercosur and allied governments can call on Mr. Maduro to take basic steps to avoid further international scorn," according to the NYT editorial board. 
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  • Miami Herald piece writes about "garage sale fever" in Venezuela, as families sell their possessions in order to pay for food or to save money to leave.
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  • A military parade celebrating Argentina's bicentenial polemically included a lieutenant colonel who led two armed insurrections against a democratic government in the 1987 and 1988, reports El País. Aldo Rico marched with a group of former Malvinas combatants. Military protagonism in a patriotic celebration has been unheard of in recent years in Argentina, notes a separate piece in El País. The Kirchner administrations that governed for the past 12 years eschewed their participation in rejection of the military dictatorships that mar the country's history.
  • Two strong earthquakes hit Ecuador, aftershocks of the quakes that killed hundreds of people in the country's Pacific coast in April, reports the Associated Press
  • Lawyers for Mexican drug kingpin Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán say he is being routinely sleep deprived in the maximum security prison he's held in, reports the Washington Post

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