Colombia-FARC sign peace treaty: let loose the yellow butterflies (Sept. 26, 2016)

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo "Timochenko" Londoño will meet today in Cartagena to sign a historic peace deal that will end half a century of conflict -- though it must be ratified by a plebiscite next weekend in order to be implemented. More than a dozen presidents, 27 foreign ministers and the heads of the United Nations, the OAS, the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank are expected at the event, reports the Miami Herald.

The 2,500 guests have been asked to wear white as a sign of peace, and Santos will sign using a pen made from a recycled shell used in combat, reports the Associated Press.

The deal, which was negotiated for nearly four years in Havana, offers an end to fifty years of fighting that has killed a quarter of a million people, reports Reuters.

"Today's is a slightly artificial ceremony," writes Silla Vacía's Juanita León. "The peace accord with the FARC was signed a month ago. Nor can it be celebrated, because the "Yes" must still win on Oct. 2. Yet, and though a significant portion of Colombians remain in disagreement, it's a historic date: it's the day two very different countries -- which are in disagreement over pretty much everything -- pact to stop killing each other."

On Friday delegates at the FARC guerrilla conference unanimously backed the deal. "The war is over. Tell Mauricio Babilonia that they can release the yellow butterflies," said FARC leader Ivan Márquez, in reference to a fictional character in Gabriel García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude." The event marked the end of the FARC as an armed group, reports El Universal.

The group will now transition into a political part, with 10 unelected seats in Congress throguh 2026, reports Reuters.

Perhaps the most difficult aspect of peace is for the victims of the conflict. The Associated Press profiles the town of Puerto Rico, where an elite guerrilla platoon massacred seven people at a town meeting in 2005. Ahead of the Oct. 2 referendum, town opinion remains divided, but "even supporters resent seeing guerrilla commanders who terrorized their town for years now touting themselves as peacemakers and being rewarded with a political future."

But skeptics must give peace a chance, says a government negotiator, Frank Pearl, profiled in the Miami Herald. The piece goes into the history of the negotiation, which started under former President Álvaro Uribe's administration, according to the piece. (Uribe is now a primary opponent of the deal.)

Most polls show the peace plan winning in next weekend's election, the most momentous in Latin America in decades, according to the Observer. The piece has in-depth reporting on FARC leadership in the past year. But even if the deal is rejected in the plebiscite, FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño (aka Timochenko) has promised to try to maintain the fragile ceasefire, reports the Observer separately.

The agreement marks the end of Cuban revolution inspired guerrilla movements, reports the Guardian. They follow the path of other communist militants around the region, which made little headway in overthrowing governments, but later made comebacks at the ballot boxes. But in countries where they have continued through the years, their longevity is intimately linked to drug production and smuggling -- a source of funding and weapons, explains the Guardian.

(More tomorrow on Colombia's peace deal and campaigns for the plebiscite.)

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