Yet, here we are.

Nogales border
 It's still kind of hard to believe that President Trump plans to go all in on his proposal to build a wall and deport all those undocumented people on this side of it. Now it's easier said than done, but most evidence indicates that
undocumented migration does not present a serious crisis
the wall is going to be really costly, perhaps $22 billion over three years (plus maintenance),
it's going to hurt the US economy to the tune of $5 trillion over 10 years
 it's going to sink the US housing market,
it goes against Christian and American values.
Even if President Trump has no plans to deport DACA recipients at this point in time, he has no problem deporting their parents if they are not in the country with authorization. He'll be breaking up families and making life miserable for those who are left behind. His proposed policies are likely to increase crime in the US as immigration raids make it less likely that important populations will cooperate with authorities and by the fact that we will be deporting a group of people who commit fewer crimes than the rest of the population (on average). Massive deportations might destabilize Mexico and Central America and destroy the relationship with our partners.

Yet, here we are.

I'm off to the International Studies Association in Baltimore tomorrow. If anyone else is there, I'd be happy to meet up.

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