Could Guatemala be on the verge of a long delayed transition to democracy?

In The Long Road to a Democratic Transition in Guatemala for Nomada, Anita Isaacs asks
Could Guatemala be on the verge of a long delayed transition to democracy? Could the seeds of democracy sown in a peace process that happened before most Guatemalans living today were even born finally be given the chance to sprout? Admittedly, it’s a stretch.
One can dream.

Jo-Marie Burt and Paulo Estrada have a two-part series on CICIG for the International Justice Monitor (CICIG, Leader of Anti-Corruption Efforts in Guatemala, Under Siege (Part I) and The Anti-CICIG Campaign in Guatemala: Implications for Grave Crimes Cases (Part II).

Finally, there some more action today with the arrest of several Guatemalans, including Moises Galindo. Galindo is infamous for representing former President Otto Perez Molina and ex-dictator Efrain Rios Montt. The charges relate to money laundering. Luis Lima, Byron Lima's brother, was arrested today as well. Corruption of some sort. Both Galindo and Lima are proclaiming their innocence of course.

According to Galindo, "“lamentablemente ser abogado tiene repercusiones. Los abogados no somos parte." Lima, on the other hand, “Los que mataron a mi hermano son los que me tienen ahorita aquí, ahora voy a una cárcel que está llena de todos los presos. Mi mamá me dijo ahora que salí, así se llevaron a Byron 17 años atrás y ahora te llevan a vos.” The ex-director of the country's prison system was arrested as well.

Perhaps Anita is onto something.

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