Our daily abomination

So we wake up this morning with another political arrest in the middle of the night.

This time it is particularly infuriating and it is driving political reactions from all sides of the opposition. See, the victim, Enrique Aristeguieta Gramcko, is the last survivor of a main group that fought actively to overthrow Perez Jimenez in 1958. Also he was a decent politicians in the years that followed, occupying different roles and as far as I know, no corruption in his dossier. In short, the kind of politician that had we had more of them we would not be in this deep shit.

As if that was not enough, at 85 years old he is taken out of his bed at 3 AM, no arrest warrant, political police action. But the goons were gentlemanly: they allowed him to pack some stuff, including his various medications.  I suppose that having 85 years had some privileges, the more so that the goons knew that above 70 the Venezuelan law only previews home arrest in case of committed crimes.

His crime? to have been a staunch opponent to Chavez, from twitter to helping organize new resistance organizations. And of being a living symbol.



His last video on January 23, anniversary of the 1958 overthrow, where he says among other things that the Maduro dictatorship has been the worse in our history.

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