“Taking the handcuffs off” of ICE

Franklin Foer goes into detail about How Trump Radicalized ICE for The Atlantic.
Under the current administration, many of the formal restraints on ICE have been removed. In the first eight months of the Trump presidency, ICE increased arrests by 42 percent. Immigration enforcement has been handed over to a small clique of militant anti-immigration wonks. This group has carefully studied the apparatus it now controls. It knows that the best strategy for accomplishing its goal of driving out undocumented immigrants is quite simply the cultivation of fear. And it knows that the latent power of ice, amassed with the tacit assent of both parties, has yet to be fully realized.
It's well worth the read. ICE is terrorizing largely immigrant communities in order to convince those in the country illegally to self-deport and to deter new immigrants from coming to the states.

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