Family affairs in Panama and Honduras

US authorities recently arrested the brother of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez. Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez was detained Friday on drug trafficking charges.

Last week, US authorities arrested two of former Panamanian president Ricardo Martinelli's sons, Ricardo Martinelli Linares and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, on immigration charges.The arrests would appear as a precursor to their deportation as the two men are wanted in Panama on corruption charges.

In order to better mange the movement of people throughout the hemisphere, the US and its partners need to move forward on drug reform and anti-corruption initiatives. Too many of the region's elites are tied up in the multi-billion dollar industry. Reforms are necessary to attack the root causes of violence in the region that are causing thousands to give up and leave.

As we learned over the weekend, the US does not need any more walls or troops on the border. Our southern border is more secure than ever. We need policies that work the reduce the number of people forced to migrate out of their communities and out of the region.

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