Colombia's top army commander linked to false positives (June 5, 2019)

Colombian senators are set to ratify country's top army commander, Major Gen. Nicacio Martínez Espinel, appointed by President Iván Duque. Supporters say the promotion will strengthen the country's internal security policies, but critics point to a wave of human rights concerns linking him to major violations committed by the army. (El Espectador)

Martínez Espinel has recently come under scrutiny for orders this year urging army commanders to increase their kill rates, a move critics say endangered civilians and could lead to human rights violations. (See May 20's post.) The case raises hackles in Colombia, where an army policy in the mid 2000's led to extrajudicial executions that were then passed off as guerrilla combatant casualties -- known as the "false positives." Between October 2004 and January 2006, Martínez Espinel held a top post in a brigade that is being investigated by prosecutors for at least 283 alleged extrajudicial executions in the Caribbean departments of La Guajira and Cesar, reports El País. At least 23 of the cases under scrutiny date back to the period when the general was second-in-command of the 10 Brigade. Martínez Espinel says he only served in an administrative capacity.

The Colombian Ministry of Defense said reports linking commanders to false positives are part of a smear campaign. (RCN Radio)

Human Rights Watch, which has exhaustively reported on the false positives cases, called on senators to reject Martínez Espinel's promotion. (El País) In February, HRW reported that at least nine generals in Duque’s military hierarchy, including Martínez Espinel, were under investigation for human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings that took place in units under their command from 2002 to 2008.

New Information came out recently that Martínez Espinel made payments to non-existent informants who claimed to have provided actionable information to the army in 2005, reports InSight Crime. It appears two of these payments were made to a soldier who is currently serving a 40-year jail term for his role in extrajudicial executions.

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