Chileans to vote on constitution (Oct. 23, 2020)
Chileans head to the polls on Sunday, where they are expected to approve a referendum question on whether to rewrite the country's dictatorship era constitution. They will also likely decide that the new charter should be drafted by an elected assembly (with gender parity), rather than a combination of elected delegates and lawmakers.
Optimists hope for a new constitution that better defends social rights, while pessimists are concerned that a rewrite will jeopardize the underpinnings of Chile's economic strength. Others are worried that too much stock has been put into the constitutional solution, and that the process will be insufficient to quell the country's unrest. (Guardian)
The referendum stems from massive social protests that caused upheaval in Chile last year, broadly focused on the country's significant social disparities. Voters are interested in higher pay, gender equity, improved health care access and quality medical care, pension reform, more rights for Indigenous peoples, access to affordable public transportation and free public education. But on a deeper level, the protests and the referendum are about a thoroughly discredited status quo, wrote Michael Albertus in a recent New York Times op-ed.
There is a significant risk that a new constitution will promise more than it can deliver, argued Patricio Navia in a recent Americas Quarterly piece. "The left-wing opposition has transformed the constitution into a scapegoat for all the shortcomings of Chilean democracy. For many voters, a new constitution is a short-cut for better pensions, health care, education and social services. ... the final document is likely to have an overwhelming number of unfunded mandates."
But others argue that such a constitution would strengthen the reforms needed to support protesters' demands. And the elected assembly option will incorporate women's and indigenous perspectives in ways that are unprecedented in Chile. Regardless of the results, it will be a constitution that results from a participative process, writes María Jaraquemada in a hopeful Americas Quarterly piece. "Chile shows that sustained protests can bring sweeping change," write Peter Siavelis and Jennifer M. Piscopo in the Conversation.
The final document will also be tempered by a two-thirds approval requirement for each clause, the constitutional convention will likely have a conservative, pro-business minority with blocking power, notes the Economist.
Protests last weekend in Santiago and other Chilean cities also point to the potential that the referendum and constitutional drafting process -- necessarily drawn out -- will not quell the massive unrest that caused upheaval in the country last year. (Associated Press)
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I hope you're all staying safe and as sane as possible, given the circumstances ... Comments and critiques welcome, always.
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