What is President-elect Trump's plan for Central America?

From Christopher Woody at Business Insider:
Another important shortcoming with Trump's proposed deportations is that they would only address the result of illegal immigration and likely do nothing to resolve on-the-ground issues that have driven a huge wave of people to the US border in recent years.
In a Rolling Stone interview conducted the day after the election and published this week, President Obama addressed the immigration issue, acknowledging that there is a broad base of concern about it but stressing that policy responses need to be more comprehensive — addressing conditions on the ground in the places these people are fleeing.
It was understandable that Hillary Clinton didn't want to endorse President Barack Obama's immigration policies during the campaign. Like his predecessor, Obama was unable to work with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Instead, he supported the raiding of Latino communities as part of the policy to ramp up deportations. After failing to find Congressional support, he did what he could (to a certain extent) to provide temporary relief through the executive branch.

However, the Obama administration supported a number of initiatives in Mexico and Central America to convince people not to leave their countries for the opportunity and safety of the US. The initiatives included anti-corruption initiatives, economic programs, refugee/asylum processing opportunities, public relations campaigns, "wall" building initiatives along the Mexico-Guatemala border, and security assistance programs. Not necessarily the comprehensive immigration reform many of us hoped that he would have accomplished, but probably more comprehensive than he is given "credit" for - much more than the Deporter-In-Chief nickname we sometimes use to describe Obama.

However, we have heard absolutely nothing from Trump himself about whether he plans to alter US policy towards Central America outside of building a wall. I imagine that he hasn't given much thought to the issue. Maybe he can read U.S. Can’t Solve Central America’s Problems With Money AloneDespite U.S. Efforts, Root Causes of Migration Crisis Prevail in Central America and Should the US deport unaccompanied minors?

I have some quotes in the Business Insider article as well.

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