U.N. apologizes for failing to stop cholera outbreak in Haiti (Dec. 2, 2016)

The United Nations officially recognized direct responsibility for Haiti's deadly cholera outbreak, which since 2010 has killed 10,000 people. A new report by outgoing Secretary General Ban Ki-moon released yesterday outlines a new approach to fighting cholera in Haiti and "the preponderance of the evidence does lead to the conclusion that personnel associated with the [UN’s peacekeeping] facility were the most likely source [of the outbreak]."

The recognition comes after a six year delay, though in August Ban made a partial admission of responsibility. (See Aug. 22's post.) "As Ban and his senior team prepare to bow out from their positions at the end of the year, they have stepped up efforts to clean up what has become a fetid sore on the reputation of the UN around the world," writes the Guardian.

In a U.N. special general assembly meeting yesterday, Ban spoke directly to the Haitian people in three languages – Creole, French and English. "We apologize to the Haitian people. We simply did not do enough with regard to the cholera outbreak and spread in Haiti. We are profoundly sorry for our role." (The Guardian has the full video.)

U.N. Special Rapporteur Philip Alston welcomed the apology, but slammed Ban's speech as a half-apology as the U.N. insists it has no legal responsibility towards victims. The Guardian notes that the "apology" was carefully worded to avoid falling afoul the U.N.'s legal position. Ban avoided any mention of who brought cholera to Haiti, even though the disease was not present in the country until United Nations peacekeepers arrived from Nepal, reports the New York Times.

The U.N. is trying to raise $400 million to invest in combating the epidemic and its impact over the next three years. If funds are obtained, it plans a two pronged approach: a community-based fund to help victims and new sanitation and treatments to reduce incidence of the disease. The plan presented yesterday includes rapid response teams, increase epidemiological surveillance, rapid detection and reporting, as well as support for longer-term water and sanitation services and vaccines, reports the Miami Herald.

But efforts could be cut short by insufficient funding, as they have over the past six years. The death toll could have been much lower with a vigorous response at the beginning of the epidemic, say experts.

The apology is an important step in securing donations, according to the Miami Herald. U.N. officials say they are close to raising $200 million for cholera treatment, but not the other half of the funding which would be for victims, reports the NYTimes.

Apologies are rare from the U.N., notes the NYTimes. In 1999 Kofi Annan, expressed “deep remorse” for the organization’s failure to protect civilians from the genocide in Rwanda five years earlier.

News Briefs
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  • Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/andres-oppenheimer/article118311733.html#storylink=cp
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  • A new Atlantic Council - IDB report outlines alternative scenarios in addition to major trends and uncertainties facing the region. It finds that if the region and the world move ahead without any major intervention, 57 million more Latin Americans and Caribbean citizens will join the middle class. A region that embraces better governance could see large reductions in homicides and less tax evasion, while greater integration could help the transition to a higher-value-added economy. But fragmentation or an erosion of governance could result in more crime, low productivity, and difficulties in attracting foreign investment.
  • Brazilian business giant Marcelo Odebrecht reportedly agreed to sign a plea-bargain agreement in connection with the Petrobras corruption investigation yesterday. His testimony could potentially implicate many politicians who took kickbacks on contracts, reports the Wall Street Journal. Seventy-seven people, including Odebrecht SA current and former execs, started signing plea agreements yesterday, and the firm has separately agreed to pay about $2 billion in fines. 
  • And Brazil's Supreme Court indicted the president of the Senate, Renan Calheiros yesterday on charges of misusing public funds, reports Reuters. Calheiros, a key Temer administration ally, faces 11 investigations for corruption, eight of them for what prosecutors describe as kickbacks in the Petrobras corruption scandal. The indictment comes as tensions between politicians and the judiciary are running high after the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill that would punish overzealous prosecutors and judges in corruption cases with jail time. (See yesterday's post.)
  • "The maelstrom of Brazilian politics is entering yet another, tumultuous phase: paranoia," according to a New York Times piece. (See yesterday's post, for example.)
  • The Mercosur trade bloc suspended Venezuela's membership yesterday for failing to fully incorporate accords into national law. The suspension will be confirmed later today, reports the BBC. (See Sept. 22's briefs.)
  • Corruption networks deeply engrained in the Guatemalan government remain, despite the high profile arrests of last year, says human rights activist Helen Mack in an interview with Plaza Pública (translated to English by InSight Crime.) "The structures are reconstituting themselves and the system is the same, as are the characters. They have stripped away the visible faces, but the shady characters, which are the ones working behind the scenes, are still operating. This gray zone makes it difficult to completely purge the state of corruption."
  • Hearings have started on the first Inter-American Commission on Human Rights case on LGBT torture. It's been an eight-year legal battle for a gay Peruvian man who accused police of raping him, reports Reuters.

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