Honduras results increasingly questioned (Nov. 29, 2017)

Updates to Hondura's presidential election vote count have lessened the lead of opposition challenger Salvador Nasralla over incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernández. Data published this morning by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) left Nasralla with just under a 1 percent lead, with about 75 percent of the votes counted. This reverts a nearly five point lead that Nasralla had been holding since the Sunday election, reports La Prensa.

El Heraldo has the evolution of the vote tallies over the past couple of days, showing how the close difference between the two candidates shrunk drastically since yesterday evening.

Protesters took to the streets in Tegucigalpa yesterday, and civil society organizations accused TSE of dragging its feet to obscure an opposition win, reports the Los Angeles Times. Nasralla has accused the TSE of prioritizing ballots from areas where Hernández has one, skewing the electoral trend, reports Reuters.

He has also accused the TSE of manipulating the vote by adding false tallies to the total. He has called for demonstrations by his supporters today in Tegucigalpa, reports La Prensa

Indeed, the long delay in a final result has many observers concerned about potential manipulation of the vote. And the tensions -- amid criticisms regarding the legality of Hernández's reelection bid -- are setting the stage for a political crisis, argues Juan Carlos Hidalgo at the Cato Institute blog.

Yesterday European Union electoral observers decried the slow pace of the count, and the lack of a definitive winner, reports La Prensa. They noted the TSE had made more frequent updates and advanced more quickly in previous elections, reports the Associated Press.

The Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States in Honduras urged people to remain calm and wait for official results, which it said should be delivered as quickly and transparently as possible, reports Reuters. The OAS mission also said it would delay its report until the definitive results are tallied, reports El Heraldo.

News Briefs
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  • U.S. President Donald Trump has quietly backed away from his promise to make Mexico pay for a polemic border wall. But he continues to threaten to block remittances from Mexicans living in the U.S. The proposal "would cause hardship for millions; most remittances are spent on basic necessities such as food.  But by undermining the free flow of capital, a core feature of our modern globalized world, Trump is also attacking a central component of neoliberal capitalism," writes  Ezra Rosser at the Aula Blog.
  • A small Cuban design brand, Clandestina, has just become the country's first to launch an e-shop with global shipping -- no small feat, reports the Guardian.

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