Argentine senators reject abortion bill (Aug. 9, 2018)

Argentine senators rejected a landmark bill that would have legalized abortion until the 14 week of pregnancy. They voted 38 to 31 against, after a 16 hour debate. A painful setback for the vibrant grassroots movement that drafted and pushed lawmakers to pass the bill. The streets around Congress were inundated with demonstrators on both sides of the issue, split on two sides of the building and wearing green or light blue handkerchiefs identifying their leanings. (New York Times video

The abortion law squeaked through the Chamber of Deputies in June, raising hopes that Argentina would become a beacon for womens' rights in a region where most countries have restrictive abortion laws. But pressure from the Catholic Church on lawmakers intensified in recent weeks. Senator Pedro Guastavino, who spoke early in the morning, denounced intense religious pressure, saying he has spend days "dogging crucifixes." (Página 12) There are reports that Pope Francis personally asked anti-abortion lawmakers to lobby against the bill, and the clergy spoke forcefully against it from pulpits around the country. (Guardian) Yesterday a new handkerchief made an appearance on the streets: orange, demanding separation of Church and State.

But while activists were stung by yesterday's loss, the campaign has already succeeded in bringing about important changes in Argentina and the region. Several observers emphasized a new openness in discussing previously taboo topics, including abortion, but also domestic abuse and gender violence. (New York Times) Journalist and Ni Una Menos activist Mariana Carbajal emphasized that abortion has been socially decriminalized, even though the legal battle was lost.

Indeed, months of broad debate on the issue have created a feeling that things simply cannot continue as before, said several senators in their speeches yesterday. "What are we going to do tomorrow," asked Senator Beatriz Mirkin, visibly moved. Due to parliamentary procedure, the same bill cannot be presented in Congress for another year. But there is talk of pushing bills decriminalizing women who abort, and a penal reform project would grant judges broad power to pardon women who abort. Cabinet chief Marcos Peña denied rumors that a referendum on the issue is in the offing. Abortion opponents made frequent references to state failure to provide solutions for women, so there might be more focus on sexual education, for example, often opposed by the same factions who opposed abortion. (Página 12Infobae and La Nación)

In Congress the debate has lasted four months, in which hundreds of speakers presented their views to legislative commissions, and two marathon sessions that forced lawmakers to grapple with complex issues. In her speech after midnight, Senator Cristina Fernández de Kirchner -- who was a known opponent of legalizing abortion during her two presidential terms -- said her mind was changed by thousands upon thousands of young women in the streets. (Página 12)

The divide in the extremely polarized debate was more generational than hewing to political parties. Journalist Luciana Peker notes the divide between the sea of green painted young women inundating the streets outside of Congress and the relatively advanced age of the senators voting within its quiet walls. Indeed, lawmakers under 40 overwhelmingly supported the measure, reports the BBC. The debate also pointed to a schism within what is one of the region's more progressive countries, notes the Washington Post.

The anti-abortion camp's slogan focused on "saving both lives," while those arguing in favor of the law said the choice was between clandestine abortions -- and the mortality they cause among women -- or legal and safe abortions. One senator, who had been publicly against abortions during her campaign last year, gave a heartfelt speech detailing her change of heart. Moved to tears she said, "We want to save both lives, and we're not saving either."

More on abortion
  • An estimated 6.5 million abortions take place across Latin America each year, most are illegal and performed in unsafe conditions. The Guardian reports on the state of abortion in the region.
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