Former Salvadoran president to plead guilty

Sometimes you have to offer a plea deal but this just seems like a raw deal for the Salvadoran people. Former president Tony Saca of ARENA, subsequently GANA, was accused of embezzling over $300 million during his five years as president. He was arrested in late 2016 and faced up to 30 years in prison if convicted.

However, according to his lawyers this week, he agreed to plead guilty to charges of embezzlement and money laundering in return for a lighter sentence (10 years) and the seizure of some cash and properties ($25-35 million). 

Saca gets off relatively lightly. Even though they get a "win," prosecutors are still trying to find where the other $250 million embezzled funds went. There is speculation that the deal will guarantee ARENA support for the attorney general's re-election. Spanish and English media whitewash the fact that Saca was with ARENA during his presidency. And front-runner and former mayor of San Salvador for the FMLN, Nayib Bukele, is officially GANA's presidential candidate. I imagine that former president Mauricio Funes of the FMLN is now on the phone trying to get in touch with the attorney general for a similar deal. Can't make this stuff up.

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